
NAPP has an extensive fleet of equipment that allows us to efficiently, effectively and safely complete hazardous materials and demolition projects.

Aero V Dry Ice Blaster

The Aero V dry ice blasting system is a compact, portable abrasive blasting cleaning system. Dry ice pellets, the solid form of carbon diozide, are fed into the machine and a pressurized air stream is directed at the surface to be cleaned. As with soda blasting, dry ice blasting is an effective way of cleaning difficult-to-remove surface contaminants without leaving any chemical residue on the surface or damaging the underlying material.


Vec Loader

The Hurricane 500 is a powerful vacuum, which can be used to remove any flowable material through a hose across distances in excess of 1000 feet. The most common use for the Hurricane 500 is removing asbestos containing vermiculite insulation from attic spaces and concrete block walls. This allows us to complete these projects quicker, more efficiently and more safely then standard vermiculite removal practices.

DOP/POA Testing

This equipment also includes an aerosol photometer and smoke generator.

All HEPA filtered equipment must be monitored according to WorkSafe BC's Occupational health and Safety Regulation (WSBC OSHR) section 6.19. NAPP maintians a large inventory of HEPA filtered negative air units and vacuum cleaners to be used in hazardous materials and demolition projects. The integrity of the HEPA filtered equipment needs to be regularly validated to ensure that the filters are removing a sufficient amount of contaminants.

A test aerosol using Poly Alpha Olefin (PAO) is generated upstream of the filter. An aerosol photometer is placed on the downstream side of the filter to measure the particulates that pass through the filter and identify any leakage.

NAPP has at its disposal one of the latest models of aerosol photometer and smoke generator on the market and are the only local company providing DOP/PAO testing to the Prince George region. This allows us to provde cost effective HEPA filter integrity testing for our own equipment and that of our clients.

Napp Enterprises Ltd.

Head Office
12160 Beaverly RD East
Prince George
V2N 6L5
PH: 250-964-0007
Fax: 250-964-0009

Southern Interior
Kelowna, BC
V2N 6L5
PH: 250-717-5629
Fax: 250-717-5496

Lower Mainland
PH: 604-793-9421
Fax: 250-793-9419

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